Research Artículo

Exponer a los vencidos: memoria, transmedia y emancipación.

This paper is articulated around a contemporary discussion in which the new audiovisual media are assumed as tools for the construction of a modern historical memory through new forms of audiovisual production: the Transmedia storytelling. To get to this last question the text participates in an update of the ideas of Walter Benjamin -and not only- on the memory through thinkers like Didi-Huberman and, thus, making convergence of the ideas of both, attend to the concrete case of the historical memory in Spain, Where to remember what happened during the Spanish Civil War and the Franco regime, supposes a theoretical disagreement between the postulates of the berlin thinker and the norm known like Law of historical memory.
Magazine or publication Tropelias: Revista de teoría de la literatura y literatura comparada, (28), 76-96.