Investigación Artículo

Comissariat d’arxius digitals: interoperabilitat i apropriació a // Curating Digital Archives: Interoperability and Appropriation @ PO-EX.NET

The inherent complexity of multimodal databases constitutes a challenge in terms of structuring and interoperability. However, it also stimulates the translation of organized data into enhanced and adaptable interfaces. Using the Digital Archive of Portuguese Experimental Literature ( as a framework, I will describe possible strategies for curating digital archives, through appropriation and remixing of database assets, allowing artistic and creative re-interpretations of experimental and electronic literature.

Autor/a Rui Torres
Revista o publicación De poesia. Arxius, poètiques i recepcions, ed. Marc Audí, Glòria Bordons, Lis Costa, Eva Figueras Ferrer, Mar Redondo-Arolas. Barcelona: Universitat Barcelona. pp. 311-326. ISBN 978-84-475-4127-0.